Bywgraffiad Artist

Galeri Delweddau

Where corals lie (Sea Pictures) Elgar

Wie du warst (Der Rosenkavalier) Strauss

Non so più cosa son, cosa faccio (Le nozze di Figaro) Mozart

Angharad Lyddon



Rheolwr Artist: Sioned Jones


Mae’r mezzo-soprano Angharad Lyddon yn berfformwraig gyffrous sy'n meddu ar ansawdd lleisiol melfedaidd a chyfoethog. Mae’n raddedig o’r Royal Academy of Music, yn gyn-Artist Ifanc Jerwood ac yn Artist Samling. 
Yn dilyn ei llwyddiant yng nghystadleuaeth Llwyfan Cantorion Cymreig 2018, dewiswyd Angharad i gynrychioli Cymru yng Nghystadleuaeth BBC Canwr y Byd Caerdydd 2019 a chyrhaeddodd y Rownd Derfynol yng Nghystadleuaeth y Wobr Datganiad.

Graddiodd y Mezzo-Soprano Angharad Lyddon o’r Royal Academy of Music yn Llundain lle bu’n astudio gyda Janice Chapman, Audrey Hyland a Glenville Hargreaves ar y Diploma Uwch mewn Opera a chyrsiau gradd B. Mus ac M. A. yn y coleg.  Mae’n parhau i astudio gyda Janice Chapman.

Yn ystod ei hamser yn y Royal Academy of Music, perfformiodd Lucretia yn The Rape of Lucretia, Baba the Turk yn The Rake's Progress, Zita yn Gianni Schicchi, Filipyevna yn Eugene Onegin, Madame de la Haltière yn Cendrillon a Polinesso yn Ariodante. Mewn golygfeydd opera mae wedi perfformio y Prif Ran yn Carmen, 1st Maid yn Elektra, Nancy yn Albert Herring, Orfeo yn Orfeo ed Euridice, Older Woman yn Flight a Marcellina yn Le nozze di Figaro.

Gwnaeth Angharad ei début proffesiynol gyda English National Opera yn 2015 fel Kate yn Pirates of Penzance a pherfformiodd y rhan drachefn mewn cynhyrchiad newydd yn 2017. Canodd ran Daughter of Akhnaten yn eu hadfywiad o gynhyrchiad Phelim McDermott o Akhnaten yn 2019. Mae hefyd wedi dirprwyo Hermia yn A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Perdita yn The Winter’s Tale a Schoolboy, Dresser a Waiter yn Lulu i’r cwmni.

Mae ei rolau operatig eraill yn cynnwys Olga yn Eugene Onegin yng Ngŵyl Ryngwladol Buxton a Flosshilde yn Das Rheingold yng Ngŵyl Grimebron yn 2019, Hansel ym Mhrosiect Addysg Iford Arts 2018, Gingerbread, Suzuki yn Madama Butterfly i Salon Opera, Llundain, Julia Bertram yn Mansfield Park gyda The Grange Festival, Cherubino yn The Marriage of Figaro i Clonter Opera a Dritte Dame yn Die Zauberflöte at the Åbo Svenska Theater yn y Ffindir. Roedd hi’n Jerwood Young Artist gyda Glyndebourne yn 2013 ac yn 2016, canodd ran Woodpecker yn Cunning Little Vixen a dirprwyo Hermia iddynt. Mae hi hefyd wedi dirprwyo rhannau Polinesso yn Ariodante ac Alto yn Trauernacht - perfformiad llwyfan yn seiliedig ar gantata cysegredig J. S. Bach – i’r Festival d'Aix en Provence.

Mae Angharad yn Artist Samling ac mae ei huchafbwyntiau cyngerdd yn cynnwys perfformiadau yn y Wigmore Hall, The Faun and the Shepherdess a Requiem Canticles Stravinsky gyda’r London Philharmonic Orchestra dan arweiniad Vladimir Jurowski yn y Royal Festival Hall, Cantatas Bach gyda Sir John Eliot Gardiner a Meseia Handel yn y Royal Albert Hall.  Mae ei hymrwymiadau cyngerdd diweddar yn cynnwys datganiadau yn Neuadd Dewi Sant, Caerdydd a Gŵyl Gerdd y Bontfaen, rhannau Marta a Pantalis mewn perfformiad cyngerdd o Mefistofele gan Boito i’r Chelsea Opera Group yn y Southbank Centre, taith o Elijah Mendelssohn yng Nghaerdydd, Tŷ Ddewi a Berlin, Mahler 2 gyda Cherddrofa Symffoni Horsham, cyngerdd i ddathlu 250 mlwyddiant geni Beethoven gyda Cherddorfa Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru a Cherddorfa a Chorws Cenedlaethol Cymreig y BBC a chyngerdd Gŵyl Ddewi gyda BBC NOW.

Cyrhaeddodd Angharad Rownd Derfynol y Wobr Datganiad yng nghystadleuaeth BBC Canwr y Byd Caerdydd 2019 lle roedd hi’n cynrychioli Cymru.

Mae ei llwyddiannau eraill mewn cystadleuthau yn cynnwys canu yn rownd gyn-derfynol Cystadleuaeth Ganu Ryngwladol Wigmore Hall, yr ail wobr yng Nghystadleuaeth Llais Ryngwladol y Dyfodol yn Eisteddfod Gerddorol Ryngwladol Llangollen, y drydedd wobr yn y Das Lied International Song Competition 2015 a lle yn rownd derfynol cystadleuaeth Maureen Leharne, Wigmore Hall.

Mae ei hymrwymiadau diweddar yn cynnwys Hippolyta yn A Midsummer Night’s Dream a Musica yn Manon Lescaut i The Grange Festival ac Olga yn Eugene Onegin i West Green House Opera.

Rydym yn diweddaru'n bywgraffiadau yn gyson, felly cysylltwch â ni am y fersiwn ddiweddaraf, os gwelwch yn dda. 

Bach Mass in B minor BWV 232
Bach St John Passion BWV 245
Bach St Matthew Passion BWV 244
Bach Weinachts Oratorio BWV 248 (German & English)
Bach Cantatas 6,10,39,60,98,106,175,177
Beethoven Symphony No. 9
Beethoven Mass in C Major Op. 86
Berkeley Four Poems of St Teresa of Avila
Berlioz L'Enfance du Christ
Duruflé Requiem Op. 9
Elgar Sea Pictures
Handel Messiah HWV 56
Handel Dixit Dominus HWV 232
Handel Israel in Egypt HWV 54
Handel Judas Maccabaeus
Haydn Coronation Anthems
Haydn Missa in Tempori Belli
Haydn Nelson Mass
Haydn Harmonia Mass
Janáček Diary of One Who Disappeared
Jenkins The Armed Man
Mahler Das Lied von der Erde
Mendelssohn Elijah Op. 70
Mozart Requiem Mass in D minor K. 626
Mozart Sparrow Mass in C Major K. 220
Mozart Solemn Vespers
Rossini Petit Messe Solenelle
Schubert Mass No. 2 in G Major D. 167
Stravinsky The Faun and the Shepherdess
Stravinsky Requiem Canticles
Vivaldi Gloria RV 589
Wagner Wesendonck Lieder WWV 91
Mass in B minor BWV 232
St John Passion BWV 245
St Matthew Passion BWV 244
Weinachts Oratorio BWV 248 (German & English)
Cantatas 6,10,39,60,98,106,175,177
Symphony No. 9
Mass in C Major Op. 86
Four Poems of St Teresa of Avila
L'Enfance du Christ
Requiem Op. 9
Sea Pictures
Messiah HWV 56
Dixit Dominus HWV 232
Israel in Egypt HWV 54
Judas Maccabaeus
Coronation Anthems
Missa in Tempori Belli
Nelson Mass
Harmonia Mass
Diary of One Who Disappeared
The Armed Man
Das Lied von der Erde
Elijah Op. 70
Requiem Mass in D minor K. 626
Sparrow Mass in C Major K. 220
Solemn Vespers
Petit Messe Solenelle
Mass No. 2 in G Major D. 167
The Faun and the Shepherdess
Requiem Canticles
Gloria RV 589
Wesendonck Lieder WWV 91
Bach TrauernachtAlto (cover)
Berg LuluSchool Boy / Dresser/ Waiter (cover)
Bizet CarmenCarmen (extracts)
Britten The Rape of LucretiaLucretia
Britten A Midsummer Night’s DreamHermia
Britten Albert Herring Nancy (extracts)
Britten A Midsummer Night's DreamHippolyta
Dove Mansfield ParkJulia Bertram
Dove FlightOlder Woman (scenes)
Gilbert & Sullivan The Pirates of PenzanceKate
Gluck Orfeo ed EuridiceOrfeo (scenes)
Handel AriodantePolinesso
Humperdink Hansel and GretelHansel
Janáček The Cunning Little VixenWoodpecker
Luke Styles Wakening ShadowPanthea
Massenet CendrillonMadame de la Haltière
Mozart Die Zauberflöte Dritte Dame (German, English)
Mozart The Marriage of FigaroCherubino; 2nd Bridesmaid
Mozart Così fan tutteDorabella (extracts)
Phelim McDermott AkhnatenDaughter of Akhnaten
Puccini Gianni Schicchi Zita
Puccini Suor Angelica la Badessa
Puccini Madam ButterflySuzuki
Puccini Manon LescautMusico
Purcell Dido & Aeneas Sorceress; Dido (extracts)
Ryan Wigglesworth The Winter's TalePerdita (cover)
Strauss Ariadne auf NaxosDryade
Strauss Elektra1st Maid (scenes)
Stravinsky The Rake’s ProgressBaba the Turk
Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin Olga; Filipyevna
Wagner Die WalkureRossweisse
Wagner/ Dove Das RheingoldFlosshilde
Alto (cover)
School Boy / Dresser/ Waiter (cover)
Carmen (extracts)
The Rape of Lucretia
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Albert Herring
Nancy (extracts)
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Mansfield Park
Julia Bertram
Older Woman (scenes)
Gilbert & Sullivan
The Pirates of Penzance
Orfeo ed Euridice
Orfeo (scenes)
Hansel and Gretel
The Cunning Little Vixen
Luke Styles
Wakening Shadow
Madame de la Haltière
Die Zauberflöte
Dritte Dame (German, English)
The Marriage of Figaro
Cherubino; 2nd Bridesmaid
Così fan tutte
Dorabella (extracts)
Phelim McDermott
Daughter of Akhnaten
Gianni Schicchi
Suor Angelica
la Badessa
Madam Butterfly
Manon Lescaut
Dido & Aeneas
Sorceress; Dido (extracts)
Ryan Wigglesworth
The Winter's Tale
Perdita (cover)
Ariadne auf Naxos
1st Maid (scenes)
The Rake’s Progress
Baba the Turk
Eugene Onegin
Olga; Filipyevna
Die Walkure
Wagner/ Dove
Das Rheingold


Flosshilde in Wagner's Götterdämmerung (Semi-Staged Concert) with LPO Conducted by Vladimir Jurowski
... a trio of equally splendid Rhinemaidens (Alina Adamski, Alexandra Lowe, Angharad Lyddon) made free with their blandishments to secure the return of the golden ring to the river’s depths.
Flosshilde in Wagner's Götterdämmerung (Semi-Staged Concert) with LPO Conducted by Vladimir Jurowski
Opera Online
The trio (Alina Adamski, Alexandra Lowe and Angharad Lyddon) revealed extremely accomplished voices...
Flosshilde in Wagner's Götterdämmerung (Semi-Staged Concert) with LPO Conducted by Vladimir Jurowski
Classical Explorer
...three Rhinemaidens begin the final act, and it surely is impossible to imagine a more blended, beautiful sound as the latter greet the sun (‘Frau Sonne sendet lichte Strahlen’ / ‘The sun-goddess sends her bright-shining beams’). Alina Adamski, Alexandra Lowe and Angharad Lyddon did the honours, two of whom I have praised previously: I called Lowe ‘one of the finest of the young generation of singers’ in an AAM concert in November 2023 (Music for an Empress), and praised Lyddon most recently as Marta/Pantalis in Chelsea Opera Group’s 2019 performance of Boito’s Mefistofele. The Rhinemaidens’ interactions with Siegfried, too, were perfectly calibrated by all concerned.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Hippolyta in The Grange Festival's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Last-minute vocal lustre comes from...Angharad Lyddon's Hippolyta, gorgeous of voice and figure.

Eugene Onegin

Olga in Eugene Onegin at Buxton International Festival 2019
Theatre Reviews North
The principals’ singing is high-quality in every case... Angharad Lyddon, as Olga, sang very well and acted the youthful, carefree soul I always imagined: you could see why Lensky fell for her.

Eugene Onegin

Olga in Eugene Onegin at Buxton International Festival 2019
As with all good Olgas, Angharad Lyddon leaves you wishing that the role has more to do – Lyddon has the measure of Olga’s initially benign mischief.

Eugene Onegin

Olga in Eugene Onegin at Buxton International Festival 2019
Angharad Lyddon played Olga with a carefree and ebullient joie de vivre that enchanted, and her melodious mezzo-soprano was crystal clear.


Marta and Pantalis in Boito’s Mefistofele at Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank Centre, March 2019
Planet Hugill
Angharad Lyddon spurred delightfully with Gazaryan's Mefistofele in Act Two, and blended in a lovely manner with Llewellyn in the Helen of Troy scene.


Marta and Pantalis in Boito’s Mefistofele at Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank Centre, March 2019
In the supporting roles the qualities of...Angharad Lyddon were positive. Lyddon certainly made the most of her duetting as Pantalis with Llewellyn’s Elena – a wonderful blend of two distinctive voices.

Mansfield Park

Julia Bertram in Mansfield Park with The Grange Festival, September 2017
Angharad Lyddon's svelte mezzo added fibre to silly Julia Bertram.

Mansfield Park

Julia Bertram in Mansfield Park with The Grange Festival, September 2017
Angharad Lyddon sang with conviction

The Pirates of Penzance

Kate in The Pirates of Penzance for English National Opera, February 2017
Angharad Lyddon shone as Kate

Gianni Schicchi

Zita in Gianni Schicchi at the Royal Academy of Music, London, November 2014
Angharad Lyddon’s acting of Zita showed that she can do comedy well

Eugene Onegin

Olga in Eugene Onegin with Opra Cymru, September 2014
The Guardian
Angharad Lyddon’s Olga showed an impressively velvet mezzo

Concerts & Recitals

Flosshilde in Wagner's Götterdämmerung (Semi-Staged) with LPO Conducted by Vladimir Jurowski
Opera Today
...the three Rhinemaidens (Alina Adamski, Woglinde; Alexandra Lowe, Wellgunde; and Angharad Lyddon, Flosshilde) were seductive and alluring, as they rippled in front of the organ like waves through the Rhine.
Stravinsky’s Faun and Shepherdess with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Vladimir Jurowski at the Royal Festival Hall, London, February 2018
Much of the success of this performance lay in the choice of Angharad Lyddon as soloist, singing from memory and projecting with warmth and flexibility the erotic character and dramatic twists of a musical morality tale.
Dvořák’s Stabat Mater with the Three Spires Singers, conducted by Christopher Gray at Truro Cathedral, November 2017
Seen and Heard International
Mezzo-soprano Angharad Lyddon brought a real richness to the female mix, even at the bottom of the range, where projection was never once compromised.


Welsh Singers Showcase at St David’s Hall, Cardiff, June 2018
The Free Library
Ms Lyddon was particularly impressive in her account of Elgar's Where Corals Lie, followed by a passionate interpretation of Richard Strauss' Wie du warst, wie du bist. We can be confident that she will do the country proud.

This Artist Biography was last updated on 12 October 2023. It is our policy to update biographies every six months. If this information is to be used after 12 April 2024 please contact us and we shall be delighted to supply you with the latest version by return.