Bywgraffiad Artist

Galeri Delweddau

Steffan Lloyd Owen



Rheolwr Artist: Sioned Jones

Astudiodd y bariton Cymraeg Steffan Lloyd Owen yn y Royal Northern College of Music ym Manceinion, lle cafodd ei ddysgu gan Nicholas Powell.  Mae e wedi ennill nifer o wobrau canu pwysig yng Nghymru, yn fwyaf diweddar, Ysgoloriaeth W. Towyn Roberts yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. Mae e'n wyneb cyfarwydd iawn ar S4C. Mae ganddo lais soniarus gydag ansawdd cyfoethog sy'n arddangos pŵer a sensitifrwydd mewn mesurau cyfartal. Bydd Steffan yn ymuno â Stiwdio Ryngwladol Opera Zurich ar gyfer tymor 2024/25.

Daw’r bariton Cymreig ifanc, Steffan Lloyd Owen o Bentre Berw ar Ynys Môn yng Ngogledd Cymru. Wedi derbyn hyfforddiant cychwynnol gan Siân Wyn Gibson, mae Steffan bellach wedi cwblhau cwrs B.Mus. Astudiaethau Llais yn y Royal Northern College of Music ym Manceinion, dan hyfforddiant Nicholas Powell.   Y tymor nesaf, bydd Steffan yn ymuno â'r Stiwdio Opera Ryngwladol yn Opera Zurich.  

Mae llais cyfoethog, hyfryd Steffan wedi ennill gwobrau lleisiol mawr yng Nghymru, yn benodol Ysgoloriaeth W. Towyn Roberts, a Gwobr Goffa Rhuban Glas Osborne Roberts yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru ac Ysgoloriaeth am unawdydd mwyaf addawol Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Fel rhan o wobr Ysgoloriaeth Osborne Roberts, bu Steffan yn perfformio fel unawdydd yng Ngŵyl Gymreig Gogledd America yn Efrog Newydd yn Awst 2017. Ymwelodd Steffan a Phatagonia yn 2014 gyda’r Urdd, ac enillodd ef y Brif Unawd yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Patagonia.

Mae ei uchafbwyntiau cyngerdd diweddar yn cynnwys Mozart Requiem gyda’r Orchestre National de Bretagne yn Rennes dan arweiniad Grant Llewelyn ac Offeren yn C Beethoven a Choral Fantasy fel rhan o gyngerdd arbennig gyda Cherddorfa a Chorws Cenedlaethol Cymreig y BBC a Cherddorfa Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, i ail greu cyngerdd hanesyddol elusennol a roddwyd gan Beethoven yn Fienna ym 1808.

Mae ei berfformiadau opera diweddar yn cynnwys rôl y Brenin yn y perfformiad cyntaf o’r opera newydd i blant Cyfrinach y Brenin a gyfansoddwyd gan Mared Emlyn. Bydd Steffan yn dychwelyd i Opra Cymru'r tymor hwn i wneud ei ddébut fel Guglielmo yn Cosi Fan Tutte. Yn haf 2019, perfformiodd Steffan y brif ran yn yr opera i blant, Brundibar gan y cyfansoddwr Tsiec Hans Krása gydag Opera Ieuenctid Cenedlaethol Cymru. Mae ei rolau diweddar eraill yn cynnwys Lord Hate-Good yn Pilgrim’s Progress gan Vaughan Williams a’r cyfreithiwr, Ser Amantio Di Nicolao yn Gianni Schicci yn yr RNCM. Yn 2017, perfformiodd rannau Sciiarrone a Jailer mewn cynhyrchiad wedi ei led-lwyfannu o Tosca ochr yn ochr â Syr Bryn Terfel a Kristine Opolais gyda Cherddorfa Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn Eisteddfod Gerddorol Ryngwladol Llangollen. Mae ei rannau eraill yn cynnwys Zaretsky yn Eugene Onegin ac El Dancairo yn Carmen, ill dau yn addasiadau Cymraeg talfyredig i Opra Cymru a George Jones yn Street Scene yn yr RNCM.

Beethoven Mass in C Major
Beethoven Choral Fantasy
Mozart Requiem
Mass in C Major
Choral Fantasy
Bizet CarmenEscamillo, El Dancairo
Emlyn, Mared Cyfrinach y Brenin (The King's Secret)Y Brenin (King)
Krása, Hans BrundibarBrundibar
McNeff, Stephen Hedd WynHedd Wyn
Mozart Cosi fan TutteGuglielmo
Poulenc Dialogues des Carmelites Le Marquis de la Force
Puccini Gianni SchicchiSer Amantio Di Nicolao
Puccini ToscaSciarrone/ Jailer
Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin Zaretsky
Vaughan Williams Pilgrim's ProgressLord Hate-Good
Weill Street SceneGeorge Jones
Escamillo, El Dancairo
Emlyn, Mared
Cyfrinach y Brenin (The King's Secret)
Y Brenin (King)
Krása, Hans
McNeff, Stephen
Hedd Wyn
Hedd Wyn
Cosi fan Tutte
Dialogues des Carmelites
Le Marquis de la Force
Gianni Schicchi
Ser Amantio Di Nicolao
Sciarrone/ Jailer
Eugene Onegin
Vaughan Williams
Pilgrim's Progress
Lord Hate-Good
Street Scene
George Jones


Escamillo in Carmen by Bizet at the Buxton International Festival
Steffan Lloyd Owen had all the swaggering pride of the toreador.
Escamillo in Carmen by Bizet at the Buxton International Festival
The Stage
Steffan Lloyd Owen is José’s exact antithesis as bullfighter Escamillo: macho, super-confident and striding about as if he expects all women to fall for him. His vocalism is big and bold, although not without some suavity.
Escamillo in Carmen by Bizet at the Buxton International Festival
The Times
...a striking, unusually self-doubting Escamillo from Steffan Lloyd-Owen


Title role in Brundibár by Hans Krása for Welsh National Opera
The Guardian
Steffan Lloyd Owen as Brundibár was a suitably pantomimic villain.


Title role in Brundibár by Hans Krása for Welsh National Opera
Cardiff Times
From the costumes to the set this performance oozed colour and all gave outstanding performances. Steffan Lloyd Owen delivered a powerful vocal performance as the villain, Brundibar.

The Pilgrim's Progress

Lord Hate-Good in The Pilgrim's Progress at the RNCM, Manchester
The Arts Desk
Steffan Owen stood out for his singing and his characterization as Lord Hate-Good (now, with the text as cue, a be-wigged and merciless judge).

The Pilgrim's Progress

Lord Hate-Good in The Pilgrim's Progress at the RNCM, Manchester
Number 9 Review
Although not all the singers had the volume to counter the orchestra in this, the opera’s most heavily-orchestrated scene, there were some good turns from ... Steffan Owen as Lord Hate-Good.


Sciarrone and Jailer in Tosca at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod
Shropshire Star
Tosca was absolutely brilliant, with world-class opera heavyweights gracing the pavilion stage alongside young talent such as Steffan Lloyd Owen and Joseph Elwy Jones.


Sciarrone and Jailer in Tosca at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod
Bach Track
Steffan Lloyd Owen doubled menacingly as the Sciarrone and the Jailer.

Concerts & Recitals

Concert at the North America Festival of Wales, New York
Ninnau vol.42
We then were introduced to Steffan Lloyd Owen’s musical presentation. A prodigiously talented and personable performer, he is already greatly accomplished as he pursues his musical studies at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. He won the prestigious Osborne Roberts Blue Riband awarded to the best soloist under the age of 25 at the 2016 National Eisteddfod in Abergavenny. As has now become an eagerly awaited tradition, NAWF provides an opportunity for the Blue Riband recipient to perform at NAFOW the following year. Steffan thrilled his audience with his program, further enhanced by a lovely duet sung with his partner Gwen Elin. The good news is that Steffan will be performing at NAFOW in Alexandria next year with his trio who have been receiving rave reviews in Wales. On this high note the evening ended with a rousing rendering of “Hen Wlad fy Nhadau” before the gathering moved to a Noson Lawen and hymn singing in the hotel lobby. A copy of the booklet honoring Catrin Brace will be available on NAWF’s website:

This Artist Biography was last updated on 9 July 2024. It is our policy to update biographies every six months. If this information is to be used after 9 January 2025 please contact us and we shall be delighted to supply you with the latest version by return.